echoes — [ B ]

ECHOES is the workshop stage of a project by Enrique Agudo and B Gosse, a project that focuses on the dissonance between movement and body, defined by identity. The body and the mind go in and out of sync as we develop as people, and this project is the experimental exploration of how we can tinker with the motion data to exaggerate the movement manifestations of self on digital bodies.

As our presences become more virtual, we begin to ponder the associations of the technological and the spiritual, we question what it means to inhabit this flesh, the absurdity of our ephemerality, the digital avatar as a form of presentation of self, and we poke at the most persistent feeling of life as a young adult: a strangeness and awkwardness that creates a distortive echo of who we are and what our place is in the world.


presented at SciArc: A Queer Query


a workshop film by_ENRIQUE AGUDO + B GOSSE


technical artist_INA CHEN